I've been following the same routine for a couple of years now - what I guess is a four pass shave. Down, up, across then a final tidy up mainly across with the last bit of lather squeezed from the brush and applied by hand. It's a BBS every time.
But on days when I'm in a bit of a hurry - not often in my retirement - I change the ritual to save time. So today I started with my usual down (with the grain) then did just one careful across my face (From right to centre, then left to centre) mainly against the grain. This saves a few minutes and still gives a fine acceptable shave.
I'm a creature of habit. And one of my habits is never to get stuck in doing the same thing indefinitely. So I like to vary things from time to time. It's why I enjoy having a collection of brushes, razors, creams and soaps. And varying the ritual.
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